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We accept all cards on the market
The payment point is a service point
With easy-to-use and quick-response solutions
Swipe4Free is the nation’s number one cash discount and surcharging platform. Established in 2015, Swipe4Free lets you keep all of your profits by eliminating your credit card processing fees through our cash discount platform. All prices of goods/services are displayed in both the cash amount and credit amount on the terminal. All prices of goods/services are displayed in both the cash amount and credit amount on the terminal.
Merchants must place the signage on the door of the business as well as on / near the register where customers pay. The fee eliminates all your credit card processing fees, allowing you to keep 100% of the profits per each transaction made with a credit card. Swipe4Free uses the fee to cover interchange costs, authorization costs, transaction costs, and support for our merchants.
The way this works is that the customer pays a small Non-Cash fee (maximum 4%) when using a credit card which SWIPE4FREE uses to cover all transaction and support costs. You, the merchant will get the full transaction for every sale and at the end of the month. There are no fees or bills. It's as simple as that.
As a Swipe4Free merchant you have access to a suite of the newest POS systems and terminals that will allow you to take payments anywhere on-the-go, making your job and your customer’s life much easier. Being able to accept payments at any given time opens your business up to a new world of opportunities and profitability
Swipe4Free lets you keep all of your profits by eliminating your credit card processing fees through our cash discount platform. All prices of goods/services are displayed in both the cash amount and credit amount. The cash amount is discounted from the credit amount. Should a customer choose to pay in credit, there will be no discount applied
Swipe4Free does not only eliminate your business’s card fees with our Non-Cash Charge, but it also encourages your customers to pay with cash helping you further avoid card fees and putting cash straight into your pocket. Swipe4free gives your business the unique ability to reward cash paying customers by giving them a lower price
Grocery stores & Supermarkets no longer have to lose customers to Credit Card Minimums and can accept credit cards, regardless of the amount, with no fee.
Increases in the minimum wage and other costs make it difficult for restaurants to make a profit. Swipe4Free offsets these costs by eliminating their processing bill.
Beauty Salons love Swipe4Free. Whether it's a manicure or a complete makeover; the amount they charge is the amount they receive.
Using Swipe4Free helps liquor stores recover the profits lost due to increased labor and inventory costs. Swipe4Free has brought increased profit to this industry.
Whether it be a VIP/Bottle Service establishment, a bar, or lounge all can benefit from eliminating processing fees. When people are celebrating or out partying, they are unlikely to complain about a small charge when using a card for payment.